The race expo and packet pick up was smooth, organized, and informative. We were able to watch a jumbo screen fast-foward of the race course. Someone videoed the course and then played it hella fast on the screen. It was great to see a preview of the hills, turns, and scenery. Though nothing compared to actually running this course!
Katherine and I ran the entire race together using the 2-and-1 method I learned from my Galloway Training running club. We ran two minutes, walked a minute. And guess what? We finished in 3:01:58. Heck yeah! The day before I was checking where the medical stations were so I could exit the race course...and then BAM I finished a half-marathon. Advil, prayer and a great running buddy go a long way. 13.1 miles in fact.
The weather was pretty crappy. In fact it re-routed Eric on the marathon course. He was around mile 19 when they announced the tornado watches and by mile 20 he was directed to the finish line. Though he was really frustrated not to finish, it was a blessing in disguise because we were able to cross the finish one minute apart and meet up in the "family reunion area" without having to wait or get separated.
My aunt and uncle who live in St. Louis were also in town for the race. We met up with them at the Expo, had dinner with them on Friday night, and Eric ran the first 9 miles of the course with my uncle Mike. It was so great to see them!
The more we visit Nashville, the more we love it! The food was delicious, that atmosphere is friendly, and the city is clean. I know we'll be back! There are way too many great places to eat!
I think this pretty much sums it up:
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